Here is a selection of useful links for jobseekers and employers interested in living, working or hiring in another European country:
EURES European Job Mobility portal
EaSI EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation
Europe Direct citizens’ information service
Your Europe advice portal for citizens and businesses
Solvit EU service helping citizens facing obstacles in another EU country
Euroguidance network of career guidance systems throughout Europe
EC information about working in another EU country
Europass advice, support, models to draft your CV
Contact points for the recognition of professional qualifications
European Professional Card (for nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, mountain guides and real estate agents)
NARIC gateway to recognition of academic and professional qualifications
EPALE Electronic Platform for Adult Learniing in Europe
EURAXESS information and support for researchers
PLOTEUS Portal on Learning Opportunities throughout the European Space
Enterprise Europe Network business support for SMEs
Advice on traineeship and apprenticeship schemes
Porta Futuro job center and work placement service in Rome
Your first EURES job mobility scheme for 18-35 workers